Daily Data AND our InvesTech Indicators are usually updated within 45 minutes of market close each business day, however data availability may sometimes be delayed. Daily Data posted prior to 5 PM is preliminary and may get adjusted when the data is finalized. Check back daily.
Primary Market Indexes
Secondary Market Indexes
Breadth Indicators
Leadership Indicators
The InvesTech Negative Leadership Composite (NLC): Measures internal leadership for evidence of a new bull market – or the danger of an imminent bear market. To read more about the InvesTech NLC and review its updated graph, visit our InvesTech Indicators.
InvesTech’s Proprietary Indicators
These Indicators have been developed by InvesTech Research to measure developing risk in various parts of the stock market. Learn how to interpret these indicators PLUS monitor them daily in graph format on the InvesTech Indicators page.
The following sections are updated by 5:00 PM Mountain Time (7:00 PM Eastern Time) each business day due to delayed data availability.
Volume Indicators
Short Term Indicators
These short-term indicators are used to forecast the near-term outlook for the market, which can be useful in improving entry/exit decisions in individual stocks or mutual funds. When at Oversold levels, a rally or upward reversal is very likely within the next few weeks. An Overbought reading indicates the market has climbed too far too fast and is likely to experience a consolidation or correction. To read the full explanation and follow the graph (updated daily) of the InvesTech Research Pressure Factor visit our InvesTech Indicators.
Pressure Factor:
- Moderate Thresholds: Oversold = -30 / Overbought = +30
- Extreme Thresholds: Oversold = -60 / Overbought = +60
Put/Call Ratio (5-day moving avg):
- Extreme Pessimism = 0.85 or above / Extreme Optimism = 0.50 or below
Historical Data:
InvesTech Research is unable to provide historical data listings other than what is provided on this page.