Claire Cantalupo

Research Analyst & Marketing Professional

InvesTech Start Date:

May 2023


B.S., Biomedical Science

M.S., Innovation and Management

Prior Work Experience:

Prior to joining InvesTech, Claire worked as a Title Assistant, a Microbiology Researcher and as a Gymnastics Coach. Throughout her educational and professional experience she honed her customer service, data management, and marketing skills.

Role at InvesTech:

Claire works on historical research and analyzes current market data focusing on our “safety-first” investment strategy. In addition, she is responsible for developing and maintaining InvesTech’s internal analytical software which interfaces with our extensive database of over 120 years of market data. She also works on all areas of marketing and operations and connects with subscribers.

When not in the office:

Outside of the office, Claire enjoys exploring all Montana has to offer. She enjoys skiing, hiking, golfing, climbing, and anything else to fill her time outdoors. Whenever the sun is shining she can usually be found outside enjoying her most recent hobbies.